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Why People Love to Hate Modvigil

  It's no secret that people love to hate Modvigil. Some would say it's downright trendy to bash the drug. But why is this? What makes people so passionate about Modvigil – both for and against? In this post, we'll take a closer look at the reasons why people love to hate Modvigil and try to get to the bottom of this complex issue. Stay tuned! What is Modvigil: Modvigil is a narcolepsy and other sleep disorders medication. It's also given to folks who work long shifts or suffer from shift work sleep disorder. Modvigil stimulates the brain, which helps these people stay awake during the day. Modvigil's active ingredient, modafinil, was discovered in the 1970s in France. It was approved for usage in the United States for the first time in 1998. Symptoms of Modvigil abuse: Buy Modvigil online it is becoming increasingly popular as a "smart drug" because of its ability to improve focus, mental energy, and productivity. While Modafinil can be beneficial for so...

How to prevent the spread of Covid – 19?

Covid-19 has wreaked havoc in our lives. It has changed the way we live our lives. Our life is now hindered by intermittent lockdowns that have transformed the way we live our life. It has been over a year since we have been battling with this ongoing pandemic. The first wave of the virus caused a major upheaval in our lives. Several people lost their source of livelihood due to the lockdown that were imposed in every country. Plenty of people from all over the world lost their lives. Some countries were more affected than others. Since there are still no known cure lockdowns are still being imposed to curb the spread of the virus. The scenario of the work place has immensely transformed with companies being compelled to initiate the ‘work from home’ culture for their employees. The initial reluctance of the companies a few years ago to provide opportunities for work from home has undergone a total change.

Is lockdown being good Option?

Lockdowns have also resulted in reorganization in the way we run our household. Dependence on house helps have reduced and people are now managing the household tasks themselves. This has all been done to prevent the proliferation of the virus among the masses. However, for a brief while when the lockdown was lifted people relaxed as it was believed that peak phase of the pandemic had dipped. Despite several warnings people stopped following precautionary measures that would contain the virus. This has now resulted in the country witnessing a second wave of the virus that has now reached its peak. Lockdowns or partial lockdowns have been imposed yet again in plenty of sates to curb the spread of the virus. The government is reluctant to impose a nationwide lockdown as the cost of such a lockdown would not come without the people paying a heavy price for it. However, lockdown is perhaps the need of the hour. As I write this article, I can vividly hear the buzz of the ambulance making its way to perhaps pick up the next victim that has succumbed to the disease.

How to deal with Second Wave?

The second wave of the virus has further crippled our lives. To prevent the spread of the virus movement of the people have been restricted by reducing the number of transports that are running on the street. Train services have been suspended indefinitely.  Markets are now open for a limited number of days and for a brief while only. Masks have been made mandatory for everyone. People have been asked to maintain a six feet distance from each other. It has been advised to wear masks even at home as aerosol transmission of the virus has been observed in plenty of cases. Sanitization of articles brought from outside have been further advised to destroy any virus that may be attached to the stuffs. Frequent washing of hands with soap water and sanitization of the same can further aid in preventing the disease from proliferating among the masses.

Lastly meditation and pranayama exercises of yoga can help in building immunity and can also improve the lung function. Proper diet rich in vitamins and additional supplements can further aid in building immunity. A positive mindset and a proper lifestyle can go a long way in preventing us from succumbing to the ill-effects of the virus.
